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Telstar 12 Vantage (15.0°W) - Tüm yayınlar

Yörüngesel pozisyon Uydu Norad .ini News Kanallar Yalnız havayı ac Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation son güncelleme
15.0°W Telstar 12 Vantage 41036 38 15 14.96°W 0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-10-12 09:42

Bu lisanı kullanıyoruz: Yayın seç Sıralayan: Şifre: Ekran modu:

34 Kayıt(lar) - Frekansa göre sıralama - en son guncelleme: 2024-10-12 09:42 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
15.0°W 34Telstar 12 Vantage 11043.00V-North SeaDVB-S2QPSK44100 9/10NAN b/s 14096 KingOfSat charts update form
BBC One London
İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4164 101 102 eng
106 eng 
100  101    2024-05-10 +
BBC One Scotland İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4220 4101 4102 eng
4106 eng 
4100  4101    2024-05-10 +
BBC One Northern Ireland
İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4221 5101 5102 eng
5106 eng 
5100  5101    2024-05-10 +
BBC One Wales
İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4222 3101 3102 eng
3106 eng 
3100  3101    2024-05-10 +
BBC Two England İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4287 201 202 eng
206 eng 
200  201    2024-05-10 +
BBC Three İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 4288 301 302 eng
306 eng 
300  301    2024-05-10 +

BBC News
İngiltere Haberler BBC BISS 4352 501 502 eng  500  501    2024-05-10 +
BBC Four
İngiltere Kültür BBC BISS 4544 401 402 eng
406 eng 
400  401    2024-05-10 +
CBBC İngiltere Çocuklar BBC BISS 4608 301 302 eng
306 eng 
700  301    2024-05-10 +
İngiltere Çocuklar BBC BISS 4672 401 402 eng
406 eng 
800  401    2024-05-10 +
BBC Parliament
İngiltere Haberler BBC BISS 4736 601 602 eng  600  601    2024-05-10 +
BBC Red Button 1
İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 7168 901 951 eng
900  901    2024-05-10 +
BBC Two HD İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 17472 6101 6102 eng
6106 eng 
6100  6101    2024-05-10 +
BBC One HD İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 17540 6601 6602 eng
6606 eng 
6600  6601    2024-05-10 +
ITV 1 London HD İngiltere Genel ITV BISS 17608 6201 6202 eng
6206 eng 
6200  6201    2024-05-10 +
Channel 4 HD İngiltere Genel Channel 4 Broadcasting BISS 17664 6301 6302 eng
6306 eng 
6300  6301    2024-05-10 +
Channel 5 HD İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 17728 6401 6402 eng
6406 eng 
6400  6401    2024-05-10 +
BBC Three HD İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 17920 7001 7002 eng
7006 eng 
7000  7001    2024-05-10 +
BBC Four HD İngiltere Genel BBC BISS 18048 6701 6702 eng
6706 eng 
6700  6701    2024-05-10 +
CBBC HD İngiltere Çocuklar BBC BISS 18112 7001 7002 eng
7006 eng 
7100  7001    2024-05-10 +
CBeebies HD İngiltere Çocuklar BBC BISS 18176 6701 6702 eng
6706 eng 
6900  6701    2024-05-10 +
TBN UK İngiltere Din Governance Ministries BISS 20160 7901 7902 eng  7900  7901    2024-05-10 +
5 Select İngiltere Entertainment Channel 5 Broadcasting Ltd BISS 20256 7501 7502 eng
7506 eng 
7500  7501    2024-05-10 +
BBC R5L BBC sifresiz 5632   1402 eng  1400  1402    2024-05-10
BBC R5SX BBC sifresiz 5696   1502 eng  1500  1502    2024-05-10
BBC 6 Music BBC sifresiz 5760   1602 eng  1600  1602    2024-05-10
BBC Radio 4 Ex BBC sifresiz 5824   1702 eng  1700  1702    2024-05-10
BBC 1 Xtra BBC sifresiz 5888   1802 eng  1800  1802    2024-05-10
BBC Asian Net. BBC sifresiz 5952   1902 eng  1900  1902    2024-05-10
BBC World Sv. BBC sifresiz 6016   2002 eng  2000  2002    2024-05-10
BBC Radio 1 BBC sifresiz 6720   1002 eng  1000  1002    2024-05-10
BBC Radio 2 BBC sifresiz 6784   1102 eng  1100  1102    2024-05-10
BBC Radio 3 BBC sifresiz 6848   1202 eng  1200  1202    2024-05-10
BBC Radio 4 BBC sifresiz 6912   1302 eng  1300  1302    2024-05-10



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